SGDQ 2017 Sylvan Tale

Hi, I'm Omnigamer!

Speedrunning Advocate

Game Reverse Engineer

Electronics Hobbyist

This site introduces my philosophy and past works.

About Me

I've always been fascinated by testing the limits of video games. Even as a child, I was constantly looking for ways to skip "required" content, or finding means to efficiently power up that developers may not have anticipated. This mindset was a natural fit for speedrunning, and I've been hooked on the hobby since my first runs of Skyblazer back in 2010.

Since my first steps, I've accumulated many achievements, both in runs and for the hobby as a whole. My professional engineering background allowed me to formalize the speedrunning development process, which I've had numerous opportunities to discuss. It also allowed me to tinker with some nifty projects aimed at helping gamers to better understand and perform in their games. The rest of this site is meant to collect and organize all of those works.

Speedrun PBs Marathon Runs Science Videos


Looking for more information on my projects? Need help figuring out a tricky game mechanic or glitch? Have an idea for a cool piece of tech? Whatever the reason, if you need to reach me, you can find my social media accounts at the bottom of the navigation bar, or you can send me a message using the form below.